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When characters are made up of two or more alphabets and/or strokes, they can be combined by using the 7 Part Order Rules:

Standard Part Order of Chinese Characters


Rule 1

Top to Bottom (T2B)

Left to Right (L2R)



Combi (Combinations of T2B and L2R)


Rule 3

Middle before Sides (M4S)

Sides before Middle (S4M)


Rule 4

Outside before Inside (O4I)

Inside before Outside (I4O)


Rule 5

Outside-Inside-Outside (OIO)


Rule 6

Flag Pole First (FPF)

Flag Pole Last (FPL)


Rule 7

Dot Pole First (DOF)

Dot Pole Last (DOL)

Read more about the structures of Chinese characters

Learn what the Standard Part Order of Chinese characters. There are 7 Standard Part Order Rules.



The Chinese Characters Decoder

Play to Learn Chinese

7 Part Order Rules

What about characters with parts that are overlapping one another? Do they follow the Standard Part Order Rules? Read more in ‘Intersecting Part Order'.

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