Intersecting Part Order (IPO)
1) Horizontal(s) First​
In these characters, the top Horizontal stroke is written FIRST, it is intersected by an alphabet. Take note of the Cross Point(s) in the characters.
a) Horizontal First
b) Horizontals First
2) Horizontal Last
Contrary to the previous set of characters, the Horizontal stroke in these characters is written LAST. The Horizontal stroke intersects other alphabet/stroke(s). Take note of the Cross Point(s) in the characters.
3) RL-Slash Intersects
Zoom in on the RL-Slash in these characters. The RL-Slash intersects a stroke or alphabet. Take note of the the Cross Point in the characters.
4) Enclosure (Horizontal)
Recall the alphabet in the qTRAIL Enclosure (Horizontal). It is written FIRST in these characters. Observe how another stroke or alphabet intersects with it. Take note of the Cross Points in the characters.
5) Enclosure (Blank)
Recall the alphabet in the qTRAIL Enclosure (Blank). It is written FIRST before it is being intersected by another part. Take note of the Cross Points in the characters.
6) Flipped C-Frame
The alphabet Flipped C-Frame is written FIRST except for one character. Observe how another part intersects it. Take note of the Cross Points in the characters.
7) C-Frame
The alphabet C-Frame is written FIRST in these characters. Observe how another stroke or alphabet intersects with it. Take note of the Cross Points in the characters.
8) U-Frame
The alphabet U-Frame is intersected by another stroke or alphabet. Take note of the Cross Points in the characters.
9) Horizontal Hook
These alphabets with Horizontal Hook is intersected by another stroke or alphabet. Take note of the Cross Point in the characters.
10) n-Frame
The alphabet n-Frame is written FIRST in these characters. Observe how another part intersects it. Take note of the Cross Points in the characters.
11) Intersecting Dot(s)
In the standard part order rules DOF (Dots First) and DOL (Dots Last), the dots do not intersect other strokes. When a dot intersects a stroke, the dot(s) is written after that alphabet/stroke.