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Applying Geometry to Analyse Chinese Characters

Geometry and Chinese

Geometry is a topic in mathematics while Chinese is a language. What kind of relationship do you see between these two subjects?

How can geometry be applied to analyse strokes in characters?

Geometry helps us to construct architectures, measure and describe the world more accurately … in other words it helps us to understand the world better. Imagine Chinese characters are like structures. Starting at the micro level, geometry concepts can be used to measure and describe 'strokes' used to construct Chinese characters.

Triple ABCs Concept: Angles, Bends and Curves

1) Angles

To describe the direction a stroke slants we could measure the angle the stroke makes with the ground.

Angle to Horizontal_Positive gradient
Angle to Horizontal_Negative gradient

2) Bends

Most of the strokes used in Chinese characters are bent strokes. Read 'Families of Strokes' for more details. Measuring the Angle of Bend helps to describe the stroke more accurately. For instance, the angles of bends could be broadly classified as 'right-angled' or acute-angled'.

Acute Angle of Bend

3) Curves

The curvature of the same stroke varies when it appears in different characters.

Arc of Circle

Why Geometry is used to analyse Chinese characters

Visual observation of strokes with the aid of geometry concepts sensitizes us to the subtle differences between strokes and helps us to be more observant. We will be able to identify and describe the similarities and differences when the same stroke appears in different characters. In summary, Geometry provides the terminologies to describe the strokes more accurately.

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Learn Chinese Without Writing.

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